In the past the majority of the general public thought that egg yolks were evil and that we should be eating the whites only. Was this just another fad or is there some truth to this claim? Keep reading this article to learn more.
I was guilty for years of constantly cracking open my eggs and meticulously separating the whites and throwing away all of the yolks. Then I started buying egg whites in a carton, pouring them into a container and then into the microwave. Talk about lazy!
But research now tells us that most of the nutrition is actually inside the yolk itself. That is where most of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients are found. There are a lot of B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, trace minerals and carotenoids such as lutein are found.
The egg yolk also contains the other half of the protein in the egg. It is split roughly 50/50. So if you are throwing away the yolk you are throwing away a lot of nutrition as well!
You might be wondering about cholesterol. That is a major concern of mine also. Recent studies suggest that most people's bodies can handle it and the ratio between good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol stays the same.
In fact, by eating a food high in dietary cholesterol like the yolk your body will actually respond by slowing down its own production. The human body is pretty smart!
A study in 2007 of almost 10,000 adults showed no direct relation between cardiovascular disease or strokes and moderate egg consumption. Moderate in this study is 6 eggs per week. The only exception to this rule were people with diabetes. They were at a higher risk.
It might not also be a good idea if you are on a low cholesterol diet. As with most things, too much of anything is bad.
In terms of weight loss you must remember that the whole egg is very calorie dense as compared to the egg white. One large egg yolk contains 60 calories and the egg white contains around 15 calories. It is not hard to do the math.
If you want a lot of protein but less calories it is logical that eating a higher ratio of egg whites is the way to go. You don't need to throw away all of the yolks however. The odd yolk here and there won't kill you!
It is also better for you to choose higher quality eggs. Though the price might be a little higher, organic free range eggs are a better option. Eggs coming from chickens that are factory farmed will have a much lower nutrient level.
I hope that this article has informed you to make correct choices in the way that you eat your eggs. In summary, eat yolks but in moderation, eat more whites for fat loss and choose healthier eggs from chickens that are allowed to roam free and eat a more natural diet.